Tell us your worst audio dealer or mfr. experience.

Please tell us the worst experience you've had with a Dealer, Manufacturer or both and what actions were needed and what the outcome was.
I'm sure there are many interesting horror stories.
Interested to hear all.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xdbyni
Manufacturer Entry: Purepower in Canada....'nuff said as the saying goes. There are other threads on this forum that describe why.
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05-04-15: Linkster
Anyone remember the Audio Pimp (Johnny B)??
LOL! Who could forget? How many of you turned a blind eye and fell for his antics?
Pimp banner
I had a very negative experience with Green Mountain Audio. Yes, the founder and owner Roy is a very nice guy. But as a business owner some fundamentals were missing when I dealt with him.

The process from start of my order to when the speakers were finally delivered went 3 weeks past the original promised date. I would receive assurance "the speakers will ship early next week"...I would call that Wednesday and be told "oh no, sorry, will be next week". That went on for 3 consecutive weeks.

Finally when they shipped, the driver of one of the drivers was 100% defective. I called and wanted a replacement shipped express so I could have prior to vacation and my shipper account was used without him asking to reimburse me in any way and it was his defective speaker. I was going to assume the difference between ground and expedited but he never asked or seemed to care.