Tell us your worst audio dealer or mfr. experience.

Please tell us the worst experience you've had with a Dealer, Manufacturer or both and what actions were needed and what the outcome was.
I'm sure there are many interesting horror stories.
Interested to hear all.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xdbyni
"Linkster, what ever happened to the Pimp?"
I think he became a congressman.
"05-03-15: Tjassoc
I'm surprised to read the negative posts about David and Stereo Exchange in NYC. Let me explain my experience."

It looks like he may have changed. Unfortunately, he didn't always do the right thing like he did for you.
"05-05-15: Ebm
No he got some hookers moved to Vegas."

Why did he get the hookers and then move to Vegas? Why not just use Vegas hookers?