Cary SLI-80 capacitor problem questions

Apologies in advance for the length of this request.

I have a Cary Sli-80 F1 integrated that I've enjoyed for several years. Recently there was a sudden intermittent popping noise in the left channel and the EL34 tube in position 2 was flashing in time to the popping. Foolishly, I assumed it was a tube failure and put in another set of output tubes. On power-up the KT-77 tube in #2 began to heat up and glow dramatically so I shut off the power immediately.

Trying to avoid the cost and damage risk of shipping the amp back to Cary I took it to a local shop which is an authorized Mcintosh repair facility. The diagnosis is, "A shorted capacitor is causing the amplifier to blow the 2nd output tube." I'm assuming their diagnosis is accurate but they seem not to be familiar with Cary amps and I'm not thrilled with the two repair options they offer. One is to replace all the coupling capacitors with generic polypropylene caps or order the Jensen oil-in -copper caps from Cary at a cost of $600 for the caps, plus labor. They're also insisting that I supply a complete set of new tubes if they're going to warranty the repair.

So the questions are, can I source the four caps myself and what would be your recommendation for caps? I had a recommendation a couple of years ago from my dealer in Seattle to replace the Jensens with Cardas but they're no longer in production. I've found opinions online that either Mundorf or V-Caps would be a good option.

And, is it reasonable to consider replacing the caps myself? I've done a fair amount of DIY soldering and think I could probably figure that part out, but what do I need to do to ensure I don't zap myself if I decide to go ahead with doing the work myself?

-thanks in advance for your advice and help. Apologies for cross posting to audioasylum hoping I can find someone who has advice about this obscure issue.
Thanks for the update. I'm glad that everything worked out for you. Now you can enjoy your "new" amp all over again!!
Sfar, I'm having an issue with my SLI-80 similar to the one you described. Care to share a ballpark figure on the cost of your repair?
Fpeel - I can't put my hands on the receipts right now but if I recall correctly it was less than $600 to replace all eight capacitors including shipping both ways. The amp is heavy so the shipping isn't insignificant but the repair price was great compared to having it done locally or sending it to Cary.

Definitely call John Zimmerman at Audio Connections in Seattle. He's a straight-up guy who'll treat you well, based on my experiences with him.
I appreciate the response, Sfar. Am reviewing options and will post the results here afterwards for the next victim. ;-) Thanks again.