New Orleans high end stores?

Gonna be in New Orleans in June. Anyone here know of a high end store there where I can check out a new amp? Thx
That could have been one of 2 stores. The aforementioned Valentino's, who moved to Baton Rouge; or Alterman Audio who is over on 17th street. I'd forgotten about them as I don't live in the area anymore. Wilsons, Valentinos, and Alterman were in a 3 block radius of each other. Alterman's, as I recall, is more of a HT store. But check their website to see what they're carrying these days. I see they carry Denon and Sony AVR's and are now carrying Parasound, so maybe worth a walk over there. They are only about 3 minutes from Wilson's. BTW, make sure you lunch or dine at Drago's over on N. Arnoult. About another 2 minutes away
Wilson audio is by far the best place for quality gear and Doug's reference room will routinely compete against anything out there. BtW, he still uses BC1s in his own setup.

Few people know Spendor, Maggie's, and ARC gear better in terms of sound.

However, I wouldn't deal with anyone except Doug and your experience could be variable in terms of customer service. If he gets to know you, you will be will take care of in deals and guidance. He has no problem recommending something much cheaper if it's better. However, other first timers can find he lacks the typical demeanor you see from Jay Valentinos more polished operation.

A lot of brands repd by Valentino have been crap imo and have never heard any system that blew me away, but I'm sure that part is subjective.

An experienced audiophile would probably enjoy a visit to both and contrasting the positives and negatives of each.

For me, the only person I've ever met in this hobby who I trust their ears as much as mine is Doug Wilson.
@ Acresverde, Yes!, That is the gentleman that owned the store in Metairie, Jay Valentino, man, He was really young ole chap back in the late 90s, I use to give seminaires at his store on resonance tunning, so he moved to Baton Rouge, mmm, I suppose Hurricane Katrina was enough for him, and everyone else, The store was called Audio resource, when you said the name, it hit the bell in my old head,LOL!, that's the store for sure, Hey man, Thankyou, I may give him a ring soon and supprise Jay, He would fall out of his chair, nobody has heard from me in a very long time.
I have bought from Wilson Audio off and on since the 80s. Doug Wilson is a nice guy, very knowledgeable, pretty opinionated though. Likes tubes, big on Audio Research. I think he also told me he listens to Spendor BC-1’s. They are probably one of the few Oracle (turntable) dealers in the country. They also carry System Audio speakers, another lesser known brand. Plus lots of other brands.

Wilson Audio started in 1974. They recently had their 40th anniversary. Their current store in Metairie is nice, it used to be the Audio Resource store.

I know Jay Valentino, a friend of a friend. I heard that he and his partner closed the store in Baton Rouge. I think that Alterman Audio closed their store in Metairie a couple of years ago. Wilson Audio may be the only true specialty audio retailer left in Louisiana.
Well, looking at what at what wilson audio has to offer, I suppose I will have to go to Atlanta,Ga from Mobile,Al, In the 90s, Jay Valentino offered some choices I enjoyed, to bad for Jay, here on the gulf coast, they all believe $300.00 8ft speaker cables is great on something like Rotel, Really, anyway, I hate to hear that jay closed the doors of his store, never got to go to the one in BatonRouge, just the one in Metairie,LA cheers.