comparing monitors

I am looking for a monitor that will play well in a 12x15 room. That being said, I am wondering if anybody has had any experience with the Reimer's and jm reynaud offrande's. If you have heard both can you make some comparisons? Both are held in very high regard, so I am trying to find out the differences. I use a 35 watt tube amp and will have a tubed cd player. I guess if anybody else has suggestions on monitors that due what they should as a monitor(imaging sound stage etc) and have deep clean bass(for a monitor)let me know. Want to stay around 2000$ new or used.Thanks!
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Tvad, I looked at the website, but could not find them. Do you know where I can take a look?
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I'd suggest checking out the sonus faber signums, it was the entry level in their classic line, very good bass, excellent imaging but they do need some space, probably a couple feet out from side and front walls. They are rated at 4ohm, 87db, the 35w tube amp might be just enough power for that room size. They can be found used for about $2000 or less, there is a pair listed now (I have no connection to the seller). I've had a pair for 5 years, they are my second system now, but I still love these speakers.