New Orleans high end stores?

Gonna be in New Orleans in June. Anyone here know of a high end store there where I can check out a new amp? Thx
Thank You! Audiolabyrinth.
you have some very nice gear. I am still working on getting you that info- I will need additional time.
Happy Listening!
Jafant, Thankyou for the kind words, on the info, no problem, E-mail me or post, cheers.
Jafant, to tell you the truth here, my original different system got stole by by second wife that I am no longer with, and sold why I was out of town in 2006, I have had to start from scratch, nothing to sale to up-grade, nothing to trade in or anything like that, so it's been a very long road with many un-heard of difficulties!, I have been building this system I have now for two years with many set backs, at this rate, It may take a total of 5 years to be done, very sad, but true, an example of what I am saying is, I am on my 4th digital player in two years, only one player was bought used, all the others were new, including the one I have now.
Very nice! audiolabyrinth.
there is a plethora of used gear out there at excellent prices. I never buy new. I buy used or demo, better way to spend my hard-earned $$$$. Happy Listening.
Jafant, Please list your system for me here, we both live in Bama, I would like to become your friend if possible, you appear to be a gentleman and a seasoned audiophile to say the least.