Speakers used under 1K

I'm looking for some new speakers for my living room system. I've always liked PSB Stratus Silvers or Golds. My current amplification is a Marantz reciever but I'm probably going to add a solid state amp(at least 150 watts). Any other recommendations???
you would be better off with the vandies than a lot of different speakers. I have heard the celius speakers and didn't like them at all...even listened to them with different amp-pre's, cables everything...just not inviting at all! There are a few dynaudio speakers that come up around that price point that may be worth looking into if that is your thing...GO AUDITON and get a feel for what brands may make you happy, then shop here on the GON!
if you like the stratus golds, get them. they are well designed and a great value. play are types of music equally well. weight,balance,and their neutral to boot.
Von Schweikert VR 1's....about $600 and that leaves you with dough to buy some decent stands.