Modern integrated vs. vintage...what do I get?

OK, was bitching over some noise coming out of my system the other night and the issue of having to swap out a piece in the rack given a messed up back. I have only vintage pre and power amps. Out of the blue my wife suggested why dont you just buy something new, modern that you will not have to mess with, McIntosh or whatever? (She knows Mac because I have old pieces and have dragged her in to see new stuff when back at the in-laws in DE) Given that we are doing a bunch of renovation work on the house,I think she is feeling that I should spend some money on something I care about.(I had been thinking of trying a Rogue CM integrated but granite took that money.)Now the door is reopened. SO, two questions. First, what do I really get in terms of difference/performance for buying modern equipment? Second, since I live in HI there is one dealer and all he has is Mac and AR I know what I hear there. What about some of these other brands like Creek, LSA? I want an integrated, probably SS, preferably with option for 2 pairs of speakers, for use with Ohm Walsh 2 or Spendor S3/5 (possibly Kef LS50 dont the line). Must be musical, reliable cause there are no techs here, 75-100 watts and say no more than $5k. I listen to all kinds of music and the room is a living room maybe 15 x 18. My current setup is a rebuilt McIntosh MC250 with an Acurus Rll (this week) and Sony SACD5400ES, Cambridge 740C and Squeezebox with basic Morrow wiring.
I will second Martykl on the HK990. I have one and it is an excellent integrated. Mine is driving my Tannoy DC8s currently (pun intended), and will be relegated to the office to run my Gallo Strada 2s, and matching sub. The Tannoys will be run by my Marantz PM-11S3, which has a lovely balance of warmth and detail. These are both excellent options, however, in your situation, you might be best looking at something like Luxman. They have a class-a integrated amps that would come closer to the sound you have, while still giving you the modern advances and conveniences. Might be worth a listen.

Hope this helps.
My first vote would be McIntosh. Have the MA6600 and love it. The new line up should fit your needs very well all in all. The Marantz and Luxman line should be on your list. Happy hunting.
Will be in the Destin area of FL then New Orleans. Will try to
find some places to listen while there.
OK, the update on this was that I was able to get some listening in tho not enough. Heard ayre cx5 integrated? About $3500. Nice but I was told it was best tthru balanced ICS. It was with Wilson speakers...fabulous but not in my range speaker wise. Anthem 225...just OK I thought. Arcam fmjxxxx (doing fr memory a i cant find my notes on my phone)...again OK but not wowed.That was it as my wife was hungry so we left. I decided that i may need to get better or different speakers i would be interested in hearing more from the Ayre hooked to speaks in the $3-5k range. Still in the hunt I guess
"That was it as my wife was hungry so we left. I decided that i may need to get better or different speakers i would be interested in hearing more from the Ayre hooked to speaks in the $3-5k range."

I have a pair of Wilson's in my 2nd system. I tried them with the Ayre and the combo sounded fine. A much better speaker for Ayre is Vandersteen. A pair of Model 2's with the CX-5 will sound incredible. You really have to hear this for yourself, but I would be very surprised if you didn't like the match.