Verity Audio

Hi All,

Has anyone tested or own the Verity Audio Tamino or especially the Tamino Monitor? I am exploring the option of setting up a 2ch system using Spectral Audio components and am looking for a small monitor such as a Tamino or a Dynaudio S1.4. I am at the beginning of my search so any comments would be great.
Wow thanks for the great comments everyone! I do agree they are little pricey and will definitely have to audition them. I will let you all know the results.
One caveat: never look at how they measure. Oh, you never do that anyway, well good for you then you should audition the Reference 3A De Capo i also.
Hi Chazz,

Got your email, sorry to hear your email is down. Who on did you want me to post your question to? Is it

Let me know and I will send the email for you.
I recently auditioned the Tamino X2 and really liked it. They also agreed to build a pair in the Macore finish for a little extra money. I then auditioned a pair of dynaudio special 25's, about the same money as the Tamino. I fell in love with the Dynaudio's. Much Much bigger sound stage, sweeter mids and highs, greater depth and much lower and tighter bass. I bought the Special 25's. I do think that both are great speakers and the Verity's finish work is about the best there is. You are paying a premium for finish but I do not think that is a bad thing.