Magico Ultimate Loudspoeakers

Anyone else read Robert Harley's Cutting Edge Article in this months TAS? Is that were we all would head after winning the Powerball?
I've heard the Magicos and like them. It would be interesting to compare them against others such as the Acapella La Musikas and the Audiomachina Ultimate Monitors.
Hooper, In a post of yours back in August, you spoke favorably of the Kharma 3.2s (I own a pair). Thanks in advance for any comments you might offer on the the Kharmas vs. the Magicos.
Don't know how this mega system would sound to my ears, but boy I sure would kill to hear it based on the eloquent way R. Harley describes it! The attention to every single detail, right down to the "Toshiba industrial-strength uninterruptable power supply..." and "AC power system built into a walk-in-closet-sized room lined with RF shielding..." etc., had me salivating like a donut-eating Homer Simpson reading a Playboy.
Yup. I am tempted to buy one and sell tickets to audiophiles to listen, only 2,290 tickets at a hundred a pop would pay for these babies. Of course have to hit the lottery for another half mill to do the room and associated equipment.