Anyone use Audio Physic Avanti III?

Hi, does anyone have experience with Audio Physic speakers and the Avanti III? I just heard this speaker at my dealer and they sounded great. Warm yet detailed. Great soundstage. I dont know anything about this company. What associated gear do people use with their Audio Physic speakers? What do you like/dislike about them? What should I be aware of when considering Audio Physics? I heard the Avanti III with BAT pre and amp. I am leaning towards using Ayre components. Does anyone see anything wrong with this setup?

Thanks in advance.
I've used Audio Physic for years. Started with the Virgos and moved to the Avanti IIIs a couple of years ago. I've never heard anything I liked more for the money. Great performance top to bottom. I prefer tube gear but the Ayre stuff is really good. The best I ever heard with them is Jadis but it's out of my budget.
mdhoover and narrod: thank you very much for the response.

narrod, how do you find the mid and bass? i have heard that the avanti is light in those areas. also, did you audition other speakers? i am also looking at Sonus Faber Cremona and Vienna Acoustics. if i am looking for a warm yet detailed sound would you say the avanti iii is a good choice?
The midrange is spectacular. The bass doesn't capture the lowest octave but I don't every feel like I'm missing much. My dedicated room is 17 x 27 and they perform wonderfully. I'm sure one or two subs would improved things but I haven't really felt the need. When properly set up the speakers simply disappear which is what first attracted me to the Virgos. You won't be disappointed except fpr one precaution. They will absolutely reveal any problems present in upstream components.
By the way, there's a pair being offered for sale here on Audiogon. I don't know the seller(s) at all and just am posting a link to the ad. Here it is:
Avanti III's for $7495