Speaker recommendations please

This is my current system but I would like to upgrade my speakers and have not had much time lately to audition any. Budget upto $7k. the Gallos are great but am sure something better out there that may be an upgrade. I listen to jazz, electronic, blues and 2 ch my primary concern.Any suggestions much appreciated.

bel canto pl1a
bel canto pre6
audiopax model 5
butler tdb 2250
maccormack dna 500
gallo ref3 sub amp
gallo ref 3.1
ic and pc -virtual dynamics masters, argent pursang
spkr -vd revelation and shunyata andromeda
Everyone thanks for the suggestions. I will read up on the recommendations and will try to audition some.
I have a pair of EgglestonWorks Fontaines and love them. Deatailed, smooth, dreamy, responsive, superb bass quality, disappearing speakers. Pardon my morbidity, but if I knew I was eight minutes and 11 seconds from death, I'd insert Cannonball Adderley's CD, "Somethin' Else", punch track three, crank up the volume, lie on the couch, and go out with a big smile on my face. I see a pair of Rosas for sale right now on A'gon - only $4600. Love the Eggleston sound. And that would leave you $2400 for CDs!

Thanks for the tip. With my eight mins, it wud be nice to have Halle Berry on couch with me.