How are the Sophias on vocals?
My old Watt Puppy 6s (Pass X350 amp, Accuphase DP75V and Meridian 508.24 cd players) often had vocals that were so astringent and etched they were unlistenable. Listening to the Beatles was impossible. Most classical was pretty good though, except for some piano recordings that sounded annoyingly "electric." ('loved that tight bass + deep soundstage, though.) Is this part of the Wilson sound, or have things improved in the intervening years?
My old Watt Puppy 6s (Pass X350 amp, Accuphase DP75V and Meridian 508.24 cd players) often had vocals that were so astringent and etched they were unlistenable. Listening to the Beatles was impossible. Most classical was pretty good though, except for some piano recordings that sounded annoyingly "electric." ('loved that tight bass + deep soundstage, though.) Is this part of the Wilson sound, or have things improved in the intervening years?