Sonus Faber Guarneri vs Guarneri Memento

Has anyone had a chance to compare the new Guarneri Memento to the original Guarneri?

Does anyone have any pricing info on the new Guarneri Mementos?
yes it looked exactly the same as mine guarneri homage. I mentioned stick only for reference. no matter is there stick,or no stick, or sonus faber put stick with pamela anderson or mussolinni- that is NOT how we should recognize driver. its build parameters says all- first esotar versions no matter by which manufacturer its used- sonus faber, merlin, eaglestoneworks, unicef, NASA- the most common thing in esotar 1 is magnet size- esotar magnet size is 110mm , while esotec is smaller. that is MAIN reason when we can or can not say driver belong to one or other basic model produced by Dynaudio. I am not sure why I have been atacked-I am not saying anything bad(or good) about this speaker performance or build quality. all I say is that guarneri homage used esotec driver. at the same time i had and still have extreemas and amators mk1- they both had 110mm magnet size and definately IS one of esotar versions. that fact does not tells anything about these speakers performance either. just raw fact. why its so hard to face it? I would not publish any info which could bring missinformation to our audiogon members comunity. Anyway, sorry. I just wanted to help. now I see I shouldnt did that.
Lets please move on. It is settled. Guarner H is better than Guarneri M. Daveyf's audiophile friends have confirmed it :-)

To those unfortunate ones who own the Guarneri M, I only have this bit of personal advice from my own experience. Make sure you listen to the speaker with a very stout SS amplifier. Otherwise, you might not be getting the full measure of this speaker.
Milimeter and Elviukai, it's true that SF did some minor changes to the GH's as time went by; I think mostly in the cabinet construction however.
My pair are Anno2004, and were according to my dealer the last pair imported into the US, the Tweet does not look like an Esotec, But??
It is interesting to note that over the appx. 14+ year production run of these speakers that they have always been said to utilize the Esotar. I looked back at the old review by Martin Colloms and he specifically states that the driver for the tweet is a modd'ed Esotar. The same comment used by Michael Fremer and many many others in print. If you look at all the chat on the Audio Asylum pages about these speakers, numerous posters over the years refer to the driver as the Esotar. Could they all be wrong? I guess it's possible, BUT like Brianmgrarcom suggests, maybe a call to SF might be in order. I think I will try that to maybe clarify once and for all this issue.
I am one of the "unfortunate" ones who owns the GMs. That was said with tongue in cheek as I hardly consider myself unfortunate to own those musical gems! Never heard the GHs and so am not in a position to pick sides. Nor do I want to do so. Absolutely agree with Pinkus that the GMs benefit from a very stout SS amp. Mine sound superb with my Accuphase amp. The right tube amp can also work wonders with the GMs. I have heard the GMs driven with the top of the line Shindo monoblocks, and the sound was absolutely sublime. They also sound superb with my Luxman MQ-88, the tube amp I use in my reference system from October through May.