How far apart are your speakers?

just curious as to how far apart most peoples speakers are set up. Are you measuring from center to center of woofers?
About 8' which is the distance I listen to them at. 40 ft long room can listen at 15' or 34' they are 6 from the Back wall.
The acoustic centers of my Vandersteen's are 52.7" out from the back wall, 34.4" from the sides and are 8'9" apart. I sit 8'6" back. They are slightly in at less than about 5 degrees.
My Apogee panels are around 10' apart center-center woofer panel, so around 8' mid/tweet ribbon. They are 5' out and 7' from side walls...I sit at 12' with 5' between me and the wall toe.

my B&W N803s are 83 inches apart between cabinets. 20" from side wall to cabinet, 47 inches from rear wall to cabinet. toed in so that the tweeters cross about a foot behind listenning position.
aprox 19 ft. apart...2 1/2 ft from side walls....16ft from front wall....5ft from backwall. in a 22 1/2 ft by 21 1/2 ft room