Martin Speakers USA. Any info?

There is a company called Martin Speaker USA (not Martin Logan) selling speakers on Ebay. I have not been able to find any info on this company. Does anybody have any info on the company or own a pair of their speakers?

Martin Speakers has been around since '64. I had about 4 or 5 pair back in the 70s. Real nice sounding speakers. The company is run by the original owners son. Most of what they made were sold in Europe. I still have and use a pair of the original 310 Gamma series. The sound awesome. When I saw them on eBay I grabbed a pair. Let me tell ya..They'll blow the doors off of a most of the stuff you find today.
What's quite interesting I found (not via listening which I have not been able to do so but just via their literature) is that much of their parts & components are pretty much exactly the same as Kharmas! Obviously different applications and modfications, cabintry etc but there are quite a lot of similiarities, apparently.
Martins are basically a no none-sense, straight forward, acoustic suspension speaker. With the exception of the fact that there are better drivers available today, they never changed much over the years. Like I said I had 4 pair of these in the past. The cabinets are Rock Solid. I could never quite put my finger on it, but there was just something about they sound. The 206s I bought on eBay were well worth the 3 bills I paid. I'm using them with an old Marantz 1070 at 35 WPC. The imaging, seperation, and clarity is incredible. If anything, I think other companies copied them.