thanks to all for your responses. i would like to turn the question around if i may- if YOU have a room like mine,
and you feel your system really can reproduce the sound and the scale of the new york philharmonic, what did you have to do or buy to achieve this?
as an addendum i pulled out "TRITTICO"- prof.johnson's HDCD
of the dallas wind symphony the other day. lots of bass-drum thwacks and tympani, brass, double fortissimos, etc.
hey, my speakers didn't sound half bad on THAT recording...
no distortion, no shrieking, nada. not like the Tchaikovsky Ballet Suites on DG- a 4-D recording that i played before that-
the sound got real zingy and smeary during the loud parts. in either case, i would guess that my speakers have to be working fairly hard during some of those dynamic peaks, so while i enjoy all the sound i keep the remote close by.
NOT ME, but i've heard PLENTY of horror stories about people who crank up high-end stereos LOUD, after the dealer assured them that they could do just that with their "new toy". SO, they throw a big party, and use the volume control like the accelerator pedal on a sports car. then a "fluffing" sound starts coming out of the woofers, and/or there's no sound past the midrange. i'm talking about very large, expensive loudspeakers too. (my interest is not in party music though.) please share your system/experiences.
i mean, if, with your setup you feel at times that you're in a concert hall, i'd like to know about it. thanks!