Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors/Cremona - Integ Amp


Owners of Sonus Faber Cremona and Cremona Auditors....Can you please help me by letting me know the Integrated Amps (or) Preamp-Amp combo you use in your 2 channel set-up ?


I use a Classe CP-65 pre with a B&K amp on my Cremonas and have also heard them with Mark Levinson and Edge separates. I particular like the Edge and Classe electronics with the Cremonas.

For integrated amps I auditioned Cremona's with Primare and with the Pathos Classic One. The Pathos was much richer sounding, with more detail. The cables were mid-range Nordost, but I do not remember which ones. I would skip the Primare.

I heard the Cary SLI-80 with SF Grand Pianos (home, not current Domus) and it did not really bring the Grand Pianos to life - not enough detail and the Sonus Faber musical sound did not just come through. It may do differently with Cremonas.

There is definitely a Primare-Sonus connection in the US as there are both distributed by Sumiko. Not sure that translates back to Primare and Sonus working on development together, however.
I am confused by the Jeff Rowland / Sonus Faber Auditor remarks indicating "cold, cold, cold". I wonder what the problem really was. I use the Ayre C5xe, JR concerto, SF Auditors & REL B-3. All interconnects, speaker cables and power cords are Cardas Golden reference. Power conditioning by PS Audio P500 with the UPC 200 as a pre-filter. Warm, detailed, musical, lots of air, all one looks for in hi fi.
The Rowland amps are quite lifeless, but clean. Sterile, dry, toneless. I am characterizing this relatively. They particularly sound this way into 4 ohm speakers. I have heard JR on Cremona Auditors and thought the resulting sound lacked body, tone, and dynamic expression. It just didn't sound like music, which I know the Auditors are capable of. In an integrated, the Mac MA6900 is far better for that speaker.

Phil, I auditioned the Mac. I bought the Rowland. I am not gettting the results you describe. Perhaps its your front end or cables creating your problem.
I was using a Pass Labs X-1 linestage and VAC PA-160 MkII power amps. The VAC's were run with 6CA7 output tubes in triode. In truth, I could use a bit more power but the sound was all you could ask for.