Speaker phase and timing

I have a Roger Waters CD that is recorded in Q-Sound. When played, a dog bark is supposed to sound "like it is in the neighbor's yard." However, on my system, it is pegged just left of center between my speakers.

Apparently, my speaker phase and/or timing is wrong. I have tried moving/angling the speakers to little effect. The best I got was sitting three feet from the speakers and the dog bark then came straight from the right speaker. I have fairly decent equipment (Wilson/Krell/Nordost), so perhaps the room is the problem?

Can anyone coach me on how to adjust for proper speaker phase and timing? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Viridian, I take it you're either not a Wilson/Krell/or Nordost fan or that the "Q" in Q-Sound stands for neverending Quest for sound that will never happen. I heard the CD in an audio showroom, where the Q-Sound worked. The dog was off in the distance to my right. There was another part where the sound of a thunder cloud traveled from behind my seat position and moved toward the front of the room.
You don't need phase coherent speaker to get the effect. Careful setup, measured to the fraction of the inch, so do it. That is assuming you have a symmetrical room.
the most obvious cause is your speakers are wired out of phase. make sure positive is to positive and negative is to negative at the speaker and amp end.
on the rare occaision the speakers can be wired wrong at the factory, in which case you will need to switch them until you get it right.