Need help choosing spkrs I've never heard

This is the first time I've used Audio Forum but need assistance fm my fellow 'philes. I need to downsize and I've short listed the following: Paradigm Signature S8, Von Schweikert VR-4 SR and Aerial 9. While I have heard at some point or another, vaious models fm these vendors, I've never heard any of the specific candidates. No dealers of any within 200 mi, so really looking for you input. Other's I have owned - Revel Salon Ultimas, Infinity Betas, Genesis 200 Mk IIs and Legacy Focus 20/20. Hopefully that will give you an idea of my sonic tastes - accuracy, a more forward presence, holographic "you are there" depth and imaging, but this time around, due to being in a connected town house, deep base (so long as it's clean!) is not as important. Front end is Sony SCD-777ES, Kora Hermes, Sonic Frontiers L-3/Power 3s. I read in a thread that a lot of guys have their mind made up before they post "which should I choose, this one or that?" - but in this case it's a level table and I'm open to input. Have to make decision by Monday 3/17/06. THANKS TO ALL OF YOU WHO ASSIST!
Shame on me. I've bought my last two sets of speakers having never heard them. And had absoltely no buyers remorse. The set I have now I do not forsee them ever being sold.
You've chosen some highly regarded brands. There ARE reasons as to why they are highly regarded.
I now think one realitively viable method of judging a brand is by perusing such sites as Audiogon and noting which models are the hardest to come by used.

You never know how a speaker will REALLY sound until it's in your environment being powered by your equipment.
Your a lucky guy.I envy your situation.How boring life can be knowing the future.Pick one out of your hat,throw it away and choose one of the other 2.Unless its hurts to throw it.Then take that one.Let us know,this is fun,Bob
Triller,Only ever buy speakers you can hear in your own home and system.
Find a Hi Fi dealer who will allow you to try at least 3 different speakers after hearing a range of them in their showroom.
There are just too many variables.
Speakers depreciate quickly so it is easy to make an expensive mistake.

I agree with all the others who say that you really need to hear the speakers yourself... especially when shelling out the kind of bucks we are talking here.

For what it is worth, I heard the VR4SRs a year ago, and did not like them at all. That said, you may feel otherwise if they are closer to your preferences... I *did* like the DB99s though quite a lot (the next up in the VS line), and would easily recommend those for the money and outright (maybe used you could find them used for the same price or less than the SRs new).

I have not heard the other two you are considering, so I can't comment on them.

Other speakers worth a look in your general price range +/- based on my own listening experiences and preferences are the Dali Helicon 800s, Tyler Acoustics Linbrook Signature System (I), Merlin VSM MXs, and the already mentioned VS DB99s.

I'm with Hbarrell. The best thing about this site is that a person can buy a pair of speakers used, try them in their home, and if they don't like them, sell them for the same price they paid for them. Also, I disagree with Duke in that yes, people on this site do tend to recommend what they currently have, but how can that be a bad thing? It's not worthless at all, It's a good starting point to listen to the opinions of others who have the equipment already, and read what they think about it. There's tons and tons of different equipment and combinations of equipment, so much that it's impossible to audition each and every peice or combination of pieces, so sometimes, you just have to take a chance and try it without hearing it first. It's no big deal to do it. Good luck to you.
