Help with speakers for audio refinement complete

Hey folks, I need some guidance for speaker selection for my system. I have an audio refinement complete integrated amp currently used to power JM Lab Chorus 715's. I got these speakers as b-stock to replace a pair of spica's that were damaged beyond repair during a move. I've never been completely happy with this current combo, but I can't quite verbalize what it is that I don't like.

My primary source is a Rega Planet cd player, but I also use a Music Hall MMF-5 turntable with a Creek phono stage. In addition, I'm using Hero interconnects and Wasatch speaker cables. My room is about 14 x 20 with 11' ceilings with my listening station about 9-11' from the speakers.

I hope the inclusion of the other equipment gives a frame of reference for my budgetary restrictions. Any insight would be appreciated. I have no shops in my town. However, I am 2 hours from several cities; so with planning I should be able to audition most options.
... I see this hasn't been a very sexy thread...Anyway, a friend suggested I try out Maggie MG12 or MMG with an upgraded crossover(?)...any thoughts?...Bueller? Bueller?
I would advise against that. I tried the MMG with the audio refinement. Not nearly enough power. Sounds marginal, when those two separately can sound great.
I used the Complete integrated with Jean Marie Reynaud Twins monitors to great effect for 5 years. An even better match would be one of JMR's floorstanders.

Incredibly musical, rich, and engaging combination.