Sensitivity in speakers

Just my luck I took woodshop instead of electrical engineering. Maybe if I undestood the difference between a volt vs. a watt, I might know how to pick my next speakers.

Here's the problem - as much as I like cranking it when the missus isn't around (perhaps I should reword that?), I want speakers that I don't have to blast to get a full bodied sound. Upgraditis has lead me to Manley Neoclassic 250's driven by a Manley Steelhead with a Sota Cosmos/Shelter901 and Wavelength DAC as sources (the sources courtesy of Jay Kaufman at Audio Revolutions - a truly great guy to work with). All of this runs into Von Schweikert VR-2's. A nice speaker from my POV but not quite up to the rest of the system.

Recommendations please - what speakers would fit into this system that would sound great at all volume levels? Of course like many of us I want soaring extended highs, warm, life-like mids' and bass from the bowels of the earth.

I don't have unlimited resources but I'd rather measure the distance between me and great speakers in time rather than current cashflow.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xjohn_leslie
I take your question to want speakers that sound good at lower volumes. Ones that do not need loud volumes to open up. If that is the case, I'm not sure there is a golden rule. In my experience however, I find that the more efficent speakers do sound better at lower volumes. I do not refer to the ultra efficient horn speakers or single driver speakers, I have no experience with them. But, a speaker like older Dynaudio Confidence 3 or Spica Angelus seemed to need more volume to start appreciating all the frequencies.

You have an excellent system. I would anticipate that you'll need to audition several speakers at home to get what your looking for. Audio physics, VR's, Merlin, or Silverline all seem like reasonable choices to me.

Cheers. -Karl
Most excellent responses, guys. The room is 16wide 19long and 9 high at the peak (pitched ceiling).

I like the idea of a sub and have been considering the new velodyne's with the room correcton software.

As to planars/eletorostats, I had some Maggies's years ago and always liked the speed and clarity.

I'm going to the Home Entertainment show in LA in June. With any luck I can get a better sampling that the local Hi-Fi outlets in SF.

On another note - I think its great that there are folks out there that will answer (somewhat naive) questions without making you feel like an idiot and for no other reason than comraderie and a shared love of music/equipment. Many thanks.
if you have a 92db speaker:
1 watt = 92db
2 watts = 95db
4 watts = 98db
8 watts = 101db
16 watts = 104db
32 watts = 107db
64 watts = 110db THX
128 watts = 113db Ultra THX is 112db
For every 10db, you will have a perceived doubling in volume
and, as you can see, doubling the wattage increase the sound pressure by 3 db.
Finally, not all amps (especially tubes) doulbe the output when going to 4 ohms-don't assume this.
Who needs an EE degree anyway?
all i can say is i use aa pair of totem arro with totem sub for my office system, my office is reasonably sized, and i just love the imaging they give me with acoustic music. i think alot of your desire, mine and many others, is dependent on the kind of music you want to listen to. i find that relatively simple music, without the old wall of sound or big symphony/orchestra music, can produce the sound you want with good 2-ways and a good musical amp.