Anyone try Townshend Super Tweeters?

I have a speaker using modded titanium tweeters,going flat to 25 khz.Very good air and detail.However I did hear the Townshends once,used above a silk dome(the main speaker was a Sonus Faber Extrema),with incredible results.Truthfully,to me,the best high freq transducers seem to "still" be ribbons.I'm contemplating giving the Townshends a try.

Any thoughts?
Chris,though the Elacs look great,I want to keep my speaker acting like it was originally designed.A point source.I contacted Townshend,and hope to hear from them soon.My concern is,that since my speakers are so clean,up to 25 khz,will the Townshends really do much?

I have just heard the Elac super tweeters placed on top of Revel Studio which I thought would be overkill. First off the Revels and the Elacs were finished in a silver grey and were a close match.Adjust the crossover points on the Elac,10 seemed best when I heard them.The Pre amp was the VTL king of the pile linestage, power amp was the newest Levinson,as was the cdp,a Brinkman tt was used as well,all cables were top of the line Shunyata.
The bass with the Elacs was not as tight as with the stock Revels but there seemed to be more bass in the room(overload?)but the over-all sense of relaxation with the Elacs added in the mix was something you immediately missed when the Elacs were disconnected.In summary if I had the money I wouldn't hesitate to add them to the Revels.
How they fair on other speakers will mean another trip to the dealer. He says they are amazing on the Audio Physik Scorpio. I will see?hear for my self.So far I am sold on the Elacs.In this case the reviews of the Elac were similar to mine.
I have used the Townshend, I could'nt hear a thing I am afraid. Probably says more about my ears than the product. At least in the UK they are sale or return and townshend took them back. Cant say fairer than that
Any decent ribbon tweeter will work well as super tweeters.I use Fountek JP2s with 1 or 0.5 mF caps.Other friends use Ravens or Fostex.Some attenuation using resistors may be required.
Many of the high priced super tweeters look like rip offs to me.This is not rocket science.

I hope some of you guys can elaborate on the following.I originally heard the Townshends on a speaker who's high end stopped at 17khz.They were th Sonus Faber Extremas,and were a fabulous match.The Sonus really benefited by the addition.STUNNING highs,and a great speaker overall.

Well,in truthfulness my own speaker is ruler flat(plus/or minus 1.5 db)to 25khz.It has superb air,yet there is a trend in the industry to go to tweets that seem to go into the "only bats can hear it" domain.I am sceptical of anything we cannot quantify,with our own ears,but still feel that,rather than consider the "buy and sell syndrome",it's smarter(and cheaper)to use technology(like a good sub,or ribbon supertweet)to my advantage,since I have come to really love my current speakers.Thus, the possibility of an add on tweeter,to compliment my current,excellent,Titanium dome.I don't rule out if this is overkill,but will weigh a final decision.Thanks.
