Sonus Faber Dominus Grand Piano vs Usher 6831/6731

Today I auditioned some Grand Pianos from Sonus Faber, coming out of mid-range Arcam seperates.

I also auditioned some Focal JM Lab's Cobalt 816s, and frankly I really preferred the $2K Focals to the $5k Sonus. The Focals had more detail, revealed more of the music and seemed to allow the music to sound more natural. It did seem a bit bright without the help of a sub woofer.

In contrast the Sonus Grand Pianos were more fluid, more emmotional, definitely warmer. The soundstage was not as open as the Focals though, things seemed to be compressed in terms of depth of the stage. I honestly just wasn't that happy with them.

All that said, I am wondering how the Usher 6381 or 6371 compares to either of these two? Are the Ushers more revealing like the Focals or are they warmer and more fluid like the Sonus?
I'm sorry I heard the Usher 8571's recently. Only a couple of months ago I bought a pair of Energy Veritas 2.3i's that just blew me away. Then I ran across the 8571's. Now I can't get them off my mind. I wont be able to afford the 8561's so I'll audition the 6381's and if they sound even close I'm going to have to sell my Energy's and get a pair.

Why is it always like this? Why couldn't I have discovered these speakers a couple of months ago and saved some money and time? Sheesh!
Go jack!
save up and get the 6381'S you will make a major improvement on your sound! as long as the equipment upstream can deliver the goods!
I think I'm in pretty good shape upstream with a Naim CD5i for source, Arcam AVP-700 pre-processor used in two channel direct mode, and Outlaw Model-755 amp. Eventually I would like to add a Belles two channel amp, but I have to get the Ushers first. :-)

BTW, have any idea why the Users are rated so low for power handling? I sure hope their rating is for continuos and not peak power.
Nick, I forgot to ask why you like the CP-777's the best. If they are better than the 8571's I sure would love to hear a pair, and maybe this in the one I should save for?

I have the JM Labs Alto Be's,but I have heard great things about the JM Labs 1000 series.Once you hear natural detail, and rock solid imagery,it is hard to go back to "romance".Detail in a liquid and 3D way, is emotional.IMHO