Anyone know where in NY area I can audition Usher?

I have tried contacting Usher but haven't heard back yet. Anyone know where in the NYC area I can audition Usher 6381 or 6371 models?
My question is why. They are cheaply made with chinese parts and overhyped. Sweat shop product being sold as High End, what a shame.

You feel that these speakers are not as good as everyone is saying? They seem to have gotten consistently positive feedback by a number of reputable review sources.

Can you provide more articulate and constructive feedback about these speakers? Have you actually heard them?

I'd like to hear all good and bad about these speakers, but your comment doesn't provide much reasoning behind it.

I contacted Perrotta and they have not gotten back yet. Maybe I'm impatient but I want to hear these things soon, I am ready to buy. If I like them I will buy them. Connecticutt is fine too, any other dealers?
Anthony is usually very good at returning calls and/or e-mails. You have probably already heard from him, but if not, I trust it will be soon.