Do Physicists Or Musicians Design Better Speakers?

While looking at and listening to various speakers, I notice that the designers behind the speakers often fall into two distinct camps: They either have impressive academic credentials, usually in physics or mathematics and design speakers from a technical perspective. Or, they are musicians, or have a musical backround, and design from an artistic standpoint. I've heard speakers designed by scientists that sounded great and not so great and by musicians also with divergent results. Wondering which backround consistently results in great speakers.
I knew my comments would draw challenges to the Seas' quality.
"there are hundreds of other drivers JUST as good IF NOT better"

"the driver is only half the equation, the way the bos is designed is as important"
and other such comments.

Eton's? Compared to seas?
You gotta be joking?

North Creek USES THE SEAS' W18.
So where does it come about that the North SEas Excel is better than the Seas Thor Excel
Its the sane driver.

btw go to manufacture list here on the gon.
Look up North Creek
click on Pegasus and Prometheus link


Then scroll down and read more about the Excel and Dennis Murphy's comments.

Here's more comments I expect to get here:

"no speaker is perfect, not even the Thor's, they will have their faults just like every other speaker..."

Then someone has to go blast the Jadis.
Everyone here is a couch critic w/o bothering to do a bit of research themselves.
Come on down to Baton Rouge and bring a few of your cds, give my system a test.
For what i have invested I've very very happy.
I could have done alot worse.
Best bang for the buck.
I'd put these speakers against any speaker under $5K.

Now how are we going to judge?
Well if we are unbias and truthful we will arrive at a true comparison with your top 2 speakers vs the Thors.
Thats if we are honest, which I'm afraid may not be the situation.
So lets all keep to our opinions and move on. IMHO the Thor is my ideal speaker, but have temptations for the big Tylers.
"oh now you say ideal, before you said perfect...duh which is man ..well ...huh?"

Look if you want perfection, you are on the wrong planet.
Or maybe in the future.
I just know from my experience, 25+ lines of speakers, the Thor's deliver what I personally like best.
Maybe not for you, but for me its ideal.
When I get to Tyler's showroom in 2 yrs, I'll post a comparison.

"you are off topic...its not about drivers"
Not sure what that is suppose to mean.

Based on what Zu has accomplished, the nod goes to physics dropouts who get juiced by music.

I don't have a degree in physics or math. What I can say is that as a former musican(not pro) I listen to speakers that reproduce instruments as I know them to sound. As a matter of fact my small experience playing and listening has guided me to make spkr buying decisions that possibly a non-musician would have not made. BTW Branford Marsalis uses a tuntable in his rig. Enjoy the music : )
Well South, which is the spaeker that does reproduce?
Names please?.....

Off topic , one thing I can't stand is "this is the best speaker we have heard"
refering to sales pitch from dealers and owners trying to dump their speaker here on the used maket at the gon.
Look at a few of the JM labs Utopia ads.
I had the opportunity to hear the utopia's at the new orleans audio club meeting at a shop in metairie.
My experience: a wall of sound, better a blast of noise.
The experience took me back to 1974 to the big box era.
Seems like all things return in cycles.
Even crap speakers, but now 4X's the price.

I apologize to those trying to dump the LM's


Baton Rouge

When you can at a minimum solder together your own crossover like my 11 year old nephew does on the subs and speakers we build, then maybe you can criticize other speaker designs. Right now your secondhand knowledge is off topic and wrong. The fact you run those speakers with a 1950's tone control amplifier and don't know it shows how profound the obstacles are for you to reach an informed station in this hobby. It is clear that you BELIEVE what you've been told, its time for you to pursue knowledge. Why don't you email me some measurements of your speakers so I can make sure you've assembled the kit correctly. :)

All you did was save a little money and put some screws in a wood box and you have found Nirvana....I wish I could be so easily amused.