what amp under a grand?

I have vienna acoustic mozart grand marantz sr5005 avr,marantz 8001 sacd,vieanna theatro center,b&w 600s3 for rears,current amp adcom 555mk2.looked at used parasound hca 2003 thx, rotel rb 993, and and an adcom 5802.im fine with the performance the marantz gives me for ht but for two channel sound is muddy. i think its the amp? any advice on a used amp that would bring out the detail of the mozarts?
granite plinth under viennas.
What is the floor? wood or carpet?

Are you using spikes under the speaker or is the speaker cabinet sitting directly on the floor?

IMHO, I think side wall distance and back wall distance being the same at 30" is a problem. I know sometimes you may be limited with positioning, but look at this Speaker Placement Guide and notice the difference between side wall and rear wall distances.
i will give this a try a let you know the outcome tomorrow.thanks for your advice.
i do have a chance at a rotel rb 1582mk2 or a parasound hca 2003thx. both under a grand,has anyone heard these amps?if so do they sound better than the adcom 555mk2?