what amp under a grand?

I have vienna acoustic mozart grand marantz sr5005 avr,marantz 8001 sacd,vieanna theatro center,b&w 600s3 for rears,current amp adcom 555mk2.looked at used parasound hca 2003 thx, rotel rb 993, and and an adcom 5802.im fine with the performance the marantz gives me for ht but for two channel sound is muddy. i think its the amp? any advice on a used amp that would bring out the detail of the mozarts?
It may not be your amp, but if it is, then ditto on the McCormack. I'd vote for the 125. The "McCormack sound" may not have the very last word in HF extension or air, but their amps are very highly regarded in every other respect. 125 should be slightly more transparent and neutral than the DNA 1, if both are stock.
Your speaker is very musical and could certainly be described as a tad dark sounding. A higher power class D amp would be the best choice. It will balance out the speaker perfectly and for little money. You can buy brand new monos from Ghent Audio for $999 with a trial period.

You can find used Bel Canto, Nuforce etc amps that would also work wonderfully.

I use a Bel Canto Class D amp with mine and the combo is perfect.

Your speaker can certainly sound a tad dark and muddy with the wrong amp. You want a crisp, clean, fast and neutral amp for your speakers. You want power and your speakers react well to lots of power. Class D is not always the best choice, but in your case they would be ideal.
well bel canto class d,ghent audio gas500b (dual mono) rotel class d or jolita 502p. which would be the best amp for my set up? and future set ups?