JM Lab Nova Be or Eggleston Savoy?

I'm in the market to purchase a truly musical speaker, and have heard the Nova's at a local dealer (Palo Alto, CA). However, I'm also considering (but haven't yet auditioned) the Savoy's. I'd love to learn from anyone who has had experience with either (or both:) of these speakers.

Thank you very much!
Thanks folks for your suggestions. Based on your feedback, i've reconsidered my options for my space.

Newly acquired target for consideration: Aerial 20T. Any thoughts?

thanks again!

How tall are your ceilings. If they are high then bass will be an issue with a smaller speaker. Low ceilings will be a different story.
the novas be are fantastic speakers.... 2 years of fabulous ownership... heard the savoy once at a show ,and was impressed as well.... but to my ears the novas be are just right.
Sorry for being disconnected recently; we are having our house remodeled and are now living with friends. Should be able to move back home in a couple of weeks.

However, i have been busy listening to speakers at various dealers, thinking, listening, thinking, and made a purchase: new Aerial 20T's.

To my ears and taste (mostly classical and small orchestral), the 20 T's prouduced the most convincing image. I very much enjoyed the articulate sound of the Nova's. However, after considering my small-ish space, and that I found the JM's a bit forward sounding compared to the 20T's, I went with the 20's. They haven't arrived yet; i'll post a full report in about a month after they (and I) have settled in.

thanks for all the posts!