Zu Definition, AG Duos orCoincident Total Victory?

I am looking to upgrade my speakers and would appreciate your kind advice.

My amp is a Pathos Acoustics Twin Towers Hybrid (Tube input stage with 30wpc SS output stage) Integrated fed by a Musical Fidelity A300 CD player through Harmonic Tech Magic One IC. Speaker cable is PSC R 50. I am striving for improved micro detail at low volume.

Can you advise whether the Zu Definitions, AG Unos/Duos or Coincident's Total Victory may be a good match.

Of the speakers on your list, I'd choose the Avantgarde Duo, or if that wasn't possible then the Uno.
I would go with Zu or Beauhorn over Avantgarde-From what I hear, uno and duo owners all prefer the trio if only they could afford them-and many trio owners have switched to the Beauhorn to get off the endless upgrade track and do away with the driver intagration problems all together. Now I don't want to degrade the Avantgardes too much but the value issue is something I cannot get over.
I have no experience with the mentioned speakers 'cept the Definition 1.5s. Wonderful detail at very low volumes. I run mine with an Audio Sterling Premier integrated. 18 SET watts to die for. From my experiences, as well as many others, the Defs can be brutal on SS. My Definitions are almost fully broken in. Electrostatic speed, midrange to die for, and the highs are airy, light with excellent dispersion. You may not find these results with your amp. I was told early on, that the Defs are very sensitive to amplification: may be more important with these speakers than the source. The absolute most enjoyment I have ever had from a speaker since my Magnaplanar Tympani 1D days. peace, warren :)
This will take some A-B which there is plenty of it with AG vs. Zu but Coincident is gonna be tuff, I have heard all three, my favorite speakers for years was the Duo's, just to much money in comparison to the def's, which if you do some research beat out in many peoples eyes and ears the Duo's, however I have never heard an A-B of any combination between these 3, all different rooms and systems...

The coincidents are sweet pieces and for the money might be in the top range of value, but depending on your taste and how big your room is, or how far away you can listen will be your main concerns using any of these 3 speakers...If you want Zero compression at levels that approch insane, then the AG and Zu are obviously top of the class, but need a big room and pretty decent distance, however the Zu's will work far easier in placement issues than the AG's, every report on the Duo's are about absolute perfect placement and you need some distance from the sidewalls or you are in trouble. When I heard the Duo's in an excellent system(they were set up in a mansion) and were at least 12 ft off each sidewall with about 9 ft between, or you would get a lot of problems with those horns to close to barriers it seems. The Zu's I first heard in a Huge room as well and quite literally sat nearly 30-35 ft away and they were beyond amazing. The coincidents are guaranteed probably going to need tubes, and so will the Avant's, However Zu can definatly get away with some of even the lower end solid state and better designs. For versitility overall look at Zu and Coincident, Coincidents seem to give maybe a little more intimate sound, might be "Romantic" as people like to say, but will not keep up with the explosive openess of the other 2 speakers, in a well treated room with super smooth electronics, then the Zu and coincident again will be the choice I believe. Avantgardes are someting a bit different, and might pose some bigger obstacles to fully enjoy and to some extent are a bit pricey in comparison to the results vs. the other 2. I believe 6moons.com is a place to start on this, I think going thru their Archives they have results of all 3 of these speakers impressions thru some common reviewers.

Sorry for the Ramble.
Consider the Merlin VSM, and Verity parcifal's as well.
The TT has great detail, even at low level.