Zu Definition, AG Duos orCoincident Total Victory?

I am looking to upgrade my speakers and would appreciate your kind advice.

My amp is a Pathos Acoustics Twin Towers Hybrid (Tube input stage with 30wpc SS output stage) Integrated fed by a Musical Fidelity A300 CD player through Harmonic Tech Magic One IC. Speaker cable is PSC R 50. I am striving for improved micro detail at low volume.

Can you advise whether the Zu Definitions, AG Unos/Duos or Coincident's Total Victory may be a good match.

Consider the Merlin VSM, and Verity parcifal's as well.
The TT has great detail, even at low level.
The Zu and AG have powered bass modules which may not integrate as well with the other drivers. The size of your room and listening position is also a consideration.
I would be foolish of you to buy any of these based on recommendations here. You need to listen to them and decide for yourself. Travel if you have to with your Pathos in tow.
I have to strongly disagree with undertow. The Definitions will not deal well with low end SS. In fact they might not deal as well as you may think, with the very best that SS has to offer. The Defs are very unforgiving with SS of the highest quality. You did say that you're looking for "micro detai at low levels." If you're thinking Zu, think SET. 101db!! You'll never look back..
I'm using my Def's with a battery powered tripath amp that is very nice with them. When I was using a tubed pre, it was heavenly. But, heaven must not be good enough because I've gone to SS which has tipped the balance to clinical. A 45 SET amp is en route. . .
I have heard the Duo's and Def's on a 700.00 Exposure intergrated 40 watt per channel, and it was excellent, not the best but excellent... However I will say that Tubes in the chain are always nice Period! A sweet tube pre with good but resonable priced Solid state like a mccormack, or the new First Watt amps are no slouch either.