Zu Definition, AG Duos orCoincident Total Victory?

I am looking to upgrade my speakers and would appreciate your kind advice.

My amp is a Pathos Acoustics Twin Towers Hybrid (Tube input stage with 30wpc SS output stage) Integrated fed by a Musical Fidelity A300 CD player through Harmonic Tech Magic One IC. Speaker cable is PSC R 50. I am striving for improved micro detail at low volume.

Can you advise whether the Zu Definitions, AG Unos/Duos or Coincident's Total Victory may be a good match.

Taksil , your Pathos can be perfect for any of these speakers, 30 watt solid state output will have some nice slam to it vs. completly tube at that price.. so don't be afraid to try the solid state on them, and you have some tube flavor on the input anyway of that intergrated, could be a perfect combo for any of the speakers in this hi-efficiency you seek!

And I actually don't remember where I found it, but They did compare the Victorys to Duo's stating the Victorys to have a superior integrated Bass to the Duo's, but found the dynamics more explosive with the Duo's.. And They have compared the Duo's to the Def's basically the Def's won out by far in the bass as well, and many other catagories, but If you can't hear any of these speakers for yourself you could make a mistake taking a leap of faith on a used pair of any of them on audiogon if thats what you are asking.. Of course I see no Definitions up for sale ever, but there are a couple pairs of Victory's and several Duo's all the time.
Undertow is way off base in two regards - since horns have limited dispersion, they are actually LESS sensitive to sidewall reflections, and in fact have GREATER placement flexibility than speaks using dome tweeters. Secondly, although tubes are the classic match with Duos, Avantgarde makes solid state amps which reportedly (and not surprisingly) mate very well with the horns. With excellent amplification (I use Lamm ML2s), the Duos positively sing at low levels...but you'll have to fight the temptation to crank them up due to their vanishing distortion levels.
Thanks to all of you who have shared your knowledge and experiences. I will keep you posted on which system I end up with.

Kind regards