speakers for VAC 30/30 amp

anyone have a sonic match for this amp.have SF CD1 and SF L1 pre-amp.
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Jab,i just got the VAC SIG,i really did not have any idea what speakers i was going to run with the 30/30 and still don't???? all the good speakers are ten grand plus.i had no idea!!back to the research lab for me to try to source some real world priced speakers that can be driven with a little 32w....
I think you are going about it backwards. Since the speakers are the most colored component in any system first find a speaker you can live with and then find some electronics that complement it.

I know the debate rages on but I've tried great speakers with adequate electronics and then great electronics with adequate speakers and the former always wins.

Do you have a budget? I have some ideas if you want to keep the VAC (which I have owned and did like) but some are rather pricey.
hi Herman,you may have hit the nail on the head with that,speakers first.the reason i went VAC is i wanted to give tubes a try.did you have the little 30/30???? i would very much appreciate any speaker ideas.thks for any help.
I would think the Merlins would be a great match..There are a couple pairs on this site around 6K