Thanks for all the tips and suggestions, This is really a great site!
I feel somewhat overwhelmed about the zillions of components and configurations after having read up a bit on hi-fi stuff. I figured that I might tap into some of you guys' knowledge here so that I can narrow my choices down before I start checking out stuff. I live in central Indiana and there are not many hi-fi dealers around, except in Indianapolis, which is quite a distance from where I am.
I noticed in Audiogon ads there are a few integrateds around $900-$1000, such as:
a. Musical Fidelity X-150
b. Plinius 8000 series
How about them?
Also for speakers, I read that Dynaudios have been regarded highly, but the contour series I am looking at are at least $1500 used. I may forego upgrading my Denon CD player for the time being if I have a chance to snatch up a pair of these.
I prefer a somewhat neutral to warm sound, esp. in the mid to high frequency range - the bright/metalic sound hurts my hears. I do not care that much about the so-called full/strong bass. Also I do not listen to full-scale ochestral music such as Malher and Bruckner's symphonies. The only orchestral works I listen to mostly are those featuring solo instruments (violin, piano, cello concertos, etc.). I do not turn the volume up that much, usually up to 12 o'clock mark.
I have already received valuable advice, which I will check out. Hopefully I can report back one in a while.