Verity Parsifals to Von schweikert VR4 Gen III ??

I have the original Verity Audio Parsifal speakers. I'm planning on replacing them with Von Schweikert VR4 Gen III's. My question is this: Do you guys think this is an upgrade or a downgrade? Am I making a mistake?

In appearance and size, the Verity wins. I've never listened to them in the same room nor with the same equipment. I have a Gamut D200 amp so there is no problem driving both speakers. My listening room is 20' X 15' I want to hear from somebody who has experience with these two speakers or opinion.
How many recognize the audiophile that Sonicbeauty described? I know that I am raising my hand.
Sonicbeauty is right on the money, about the Parsifal's and audiophiles.
I'm nearing the end of a major downsizing. The only two components that survived were my analog front end (sans the phono stage), and my Parsifal Encore's. I was able to pull $20K out of my system (after expenses for the 'newer' gear) and still hold on to the Parsifal's. I'm still listening happily, and living easier.

Sometimes we get too wrapped up in the chase for the ultimate goal, which doesn't exist. As soon as we find it, we find something else wrong with it and change our ultimate goal. This disease, not the music but the equipment, is hard to cure. I think my next step is to cancel the glossy rags and stop visiting AudiogoN daily.

No sense for a recovering alcoholic stopping at a bar every day to visit his friends or receiving the monthly Vineyard magazines now, is there?

Sorry Royy, didn't mean to hijack your thread with a sermon. Keep the Parsifal's and be happy.


Hi Royy,
keep the Parsifal, I went from the Sonus Faber Amati
to the Parsifal.
regards Karl-Heinz
I like the Parsifals, Verity is a good solid Canadian speaker company with a great history of making excellent sounding speakers I have heard them on many occasions and know a few people who own their little brother the Fidelios, which are impressive in their own right. I heard the Parsifals most recently at the Montreal show last month. Very neutral and smooth speaker. If all I listened to was jazz, classical or light sound music, I agree they are as good as you are likely to get at their price point. However with other types of music I was very far from impressed. Put on rock, heavier pop, industrial, techno or reggae... there are many far far better speakers...including perhaps the VS 4 HSE. at 1/3 their price. Because I listen to all music types from Enya to Nine Inch Nails, my speakers would have to be capable across the entire fequency band. Paying the price of addmission for a 'limited' speaker does not seem to me like the way I would advise someone to go... audiophile or music lover, unless they were very certain about their music preference and are willing to live with the compromise.

I am not sure, but the Parsifals go for about 15-20K. That the VS VR4 HSE at 6-7K are even raised in the same thread as a competitor to the Parsifals is fascinating to me and a testament to how good VS speakers really are at their price point. I think the new VR5 at 18-20K will be more of a realistic competitor (dollar to dollar) to the Parsifals, both visually and sonically. However, something tells me it will be absolutely no contest if wanting a capable speaker for ALL types of music.

This is all of course MHO. YMMV

good listening.