Verity Parsifals to Von schweikert VR4 Gen III ??

I have the original Verity Audio Parsifal speakers. I'm planning on replacing them with Von Schweikert VR4 Gen III's. My question is this: Do you guys think this is an upgrade or a downgrade? Am I making a mistake?

In appearance and size, the Verity wins. I've never listened to them in the same room nor with the same equipment. I have a Gamut D200 amp so there is no problem driving both speakers. My listening room is 20' X 15' I want to hear from somebody who has experience with these two speakers or opinion.
Hi RoyY, I have owned a pair of Logan Sequel II for 16 years until i decided it was time for a change. I had changed or upgraded everything else in my system so it was time. The Logans had given a wealth of enjoyment over the years. Long story short, went to Montreal to visit family this past x-mas and while there went to Filtronique to audition JM Lab Diva and Sonus Faber Cremona. Following this audition, the guy said "have you ever heard a pair of Verity". I said Verity, what's that?? He hooked up a pair of Parsifal Ovations to an Ayer 60watts intergrate. I was freakin' floored from what i heard. Unfortunately i could not afford the price tag. In february i see a pair on the Gon used for sale but the Encore model not Ovation. I made the purchase. I guy from Quebec City. They are now in my system hooked up to my vintage ARC gear modified by GNSC and i have not looked back. I have never heard the VR4 Gen III but i can tell you that the Diva's, Cremona's, Logan Sequel II's can not touch the Encore's let alone the Ovation's. IF these are not the last speakers i will ever own, the next pait will be the Verity Sarastro.....maybe. Cheers.......
First of all, I want to thank everyone, especially Sonicbeauty, for taking the time to respond to my post. I had only heard the Vonschweikert Gen III briefly when I started this thread.

A fellow Audiogoner who happened to be in my area allowed me to listen to his VS Gen III again, and I also went to a local dealer and listened to the latest Vonsweikert Sr.

jmcgrogan2 is right, VS speakers have a house sound; they sounded very similar to the Gen III. When I got back home, I queued up the same CD to my system and got a big smile. The Parsifals are staying. What I have observed about the Verity is exactly what Sonicbeauty and jmcgrogan2 said. I think Audiogon member is also right--I'm just bored!!!
Congrats on realizing the situation BEFORE making a change Royy. Too many don't realize that change just for changes sake can ruin a system. The glossy rags can cause one to think they are missing out on something glorious, but that is simply their job, to write prose that enchants audiophiles to keep spending money regardless of what is best for them.

Relax Royy, and just enjoy the music.
