Soliloquy 6.2i vs VS vr4jr , Zu Druid & Usher 6371

I have the Soliloquy's and have the ' upgrade' bug !
I am not able to sample equipment very easily and am looking to narrow down my choices here .
I am using an Audio Aero Prima integrated amp with a Granite 657 CDP .
While I don't have any real problems with this set-up I would like to improve on it .
My listening room is small at 11ft. X 12ft. thus I listen in the near field , @ 6ft. from the speakers . I do listen to rock music but usually at low volume levels as well as contemporary blues and some female vocalists like Diana Krall. I value good ole toe tapping head bobbing involvement most of all .
The only other speaker that I have any experience with is JM Labs Electra 926. I did not care for them as they did not have any 'heart' and were a little tizzy on the top end .
I would like to know how these choices would compare to my Soliloquys in my situation . Would these be a side ways move or an upgrade ? I realize that each one will have a different sound and would like to know what that difference is .
Any other moves from the Sols, that were an improvemnt, would be welcomed .
Thank you .
Thank you Rysa4 ;
Were these auditions on the same equipment in the same place ? What type of music did you use ? I too use a tubed CDP and a hybrid integrated amp .
My auditions of the VS JR4 as well as the Usher series were both done at CES in 2005 and 2006 at Alexis Park, the place were the high end audio stuff gets demoed in Vegas each year at the show. I cant say that either used the same equipment, only that the manufacturers tend to try and put their best foot forward usually in these demos,despite the limitations in power and rooms inherent to Alexis Park.

The VS 4 JRs were quite the talk at CES 2005 but were not as impressive to me as the SOliloquy 5.3 is that I own. I found the VS to lack a bit of coherency between mid range Tweeter and lower frequencies and have a less wide soundstage in comparison.

I do like the Usher 6300 series in general and find them to be appealing during my two 15 minute listening sessions with them. They are quite tall and a bit bright. It is possible that over time there could be some listener fatigue with them but I didnt listen long enough to be sure.

I have never listened to the ZU Droid speakers only read about them here.

As typical with speakers these are subjective opinions with the only validity being that I listen to Soliloquy speakers almost everyday.
Nice w/u - well thought out and coherent. Their quiet magic grows and grows on you. If you were able to "get it" in one session, you definitely should take Zu up on the trial.
Here's the link: