Home made absorption panels.....

I would like to hear some good inexpensive ways to make absorption panels, particularly at first point of reflection.

I suppose, that you could also cut up an old comforter and fasten the pieces to 1/4" 3x3 ft. pieces of plywood. I may try that.

Something else that comes to mind, would be a large plant at both ref. points. Of course, that would diffuse the sound rather than absorb it. I don`t suppose the diffusion would be as good as absorption. Just guessing.
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Thanks Tvad, Perfectionist has quite a set-up. My problem still remains with the sliding glass door with vertical metal venetion blinds.

I`ll be using a corner set-up per bobby p`s suggestion for my merlins that are on order. Using a corner placement, I`m not sure sonically what will be experienced yet. Or, for that matter, where the ref. points would be.

I wonder if anyone else has used this corner set-up and what if any sonic benefits were achieved?
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