Lowther in bass reflex or Cain Abby

After looking at many of the speakers suggested in response to my previous post regarding suitable speakers for a low powered tube amp (Sophia baby 10wpc) and late night-low volume listening, I am still leaning toward the high efficiency full range driver camp.

I’m most interested in the Cain and Cain Abby and the bass reflex 1.3 model speakers from commomsenseaudio.com loaded with one of the Lowther drivers. The Cain speakers seem to be a well known and well regarded system. Does anyone have experience with the Lowther systems from common sense audio?

Price wise these are about the same, the lowest end Lowther being slightly less expensive, but it is close enough in price for that not to be a real consideration.

Anyone care to share some feeling/experience/biases regarding either of these tow (particularly the Lowthers)?

Thanks again!
Thanks again to everyone for their comments. This forum really is a lot more helpful and friendly than most I have particiapted in. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience with someone just starting out.
Nice looking system Mr. Moebius, Terry Cain really does build a beautiful cabinet.

You speakers have to exhibit some of the back wave issues that were talked about. As the frequency decreases at some point you are getting a stronger wave from the port than from the front of the driver and this wave takes longer to get to you than than the front wave. There must also be something in the design to dampen the higher frequencies or you would be getting them twice. Once from the front and again a bit later from the back. Whether you are sensitive to this or not is another story, but it is there.
Hi Herman,

Thanks for explaining more clearly the theory behind horn design. I suppose there could be some dampening deep in the 5' tall horn, I can only reach so far and barely reach the tip of the internal shelf/cavity where the driver is mounted. So, it is entirely possible that there is something there.

I guess the fact that I cannot hear much(or any) high frequency information coming out of the top or bottom horn mouth lends credence to your explanation.

BTW, I love your setup - really nice Avantgarde's and that DIY 300B looks real tastey. Wanna share some details?

Also, I need some room treatments real bad in my room. The only thing really holding back my system right now is the room interactions.

I've been talking about DIY bass traps for a long time, but also have thought about corner treatments. How do those 8th Nerve products work? I've been to their website several times.
Darkmoebius,Thanks for such a comprehensive reply.Nice to respond to somebody with such great taste in music.
I have not heard the non wizzer Fostex.I should give them a try.Also I have not tried the FE 166 because of its very limited bass but always suspected that it might sound better than the bigger Fostex speakers because it has a much flatter response.
It is always a bonus when you live close to a maker of great products like Edgar and get a chance to hear them.I am lucky enough to live near Supratek.The Supratek preamps really are something special and very much designed to get the best out of the sort of music and speakers you are into.
Mick Maloney uses Goodmans Axiom 80 based speakers[amongst several others].