JM Lab Alto comments please

gotta do a sound check on these speakers,has anyone heard these,and what did you think????
thks all,just sold the 4jr's and now i really need speakers.sooo taking out JM's i am down to two speakers and i know this is old but i really don't want another costly mistake.VSA DB-99's or Zu Definitions???? i think they are so close i just gotta flip a coin.i can get them both for the same $$$$, so where is that two headed coin now?????
For a few hundred bucks (if you end up shipping them back)why not use the Zu trial period? That way, you get to hear them in your home, and well beyond the typical ~1-hour audition period.
2bigears, the coin flip may work. While the coin is in the air doing its thing; Before it lands I somehow know which way I want it to go. Keep us posted with your speaker journey. peace, warren :)
I think they are incredible. Lack of bass?..... I never found this to be. I used them with Halcro amps ( which are often criticized in the bass area).

I am not in the mood to type too much, but if you can get these speakers at 1/2 price, used.... then it is a no brainer.
The JM Lab Utopias are tough to judge. They can sound very different with different amps and rooms. I have heard the Divas sound really warm and relaxed but then in another system they were lean and forward. I am sure the Altos can do that too.

Also, I wouldn't expect a dealer to have speakers setup optimally. All the fancy dealers I have visited never seem to have things quite right IMO. It takes them too much time and effort to do that and besides, they only have a limited number of rooms to feature all types of speakers.

Only after using Altos in your system with different amps will you have any idea what they are like. You shouldn't be hasty in your judgement. That goes for any equipment. And I sure wouldn't bet my $10,000 on another person's single audition! That seems ridiculous.

With any great speaker, it will take some work to get the most of them. Don't forget you are paying all that money for transparency and resolution. Along with that comes good and bad, as always. Good luck.
