before i write the chegue,i gotta' ask all in the know:the sound difference between VSA DB-99 and Zu Definition????? i know by all reports these are very close in all repects like value and performance,but total different sound.i am leaning to the Zu side of the fence.cost is almost the same,so that's not a factor.the drive amp will be a VAC 30/30 Sig.3 [front end is Sonic Frontier--getting old but still works.]Zu said they can burn them for 14 days so the sound should be almost complete out of the box.what to do???????
I don't know if it is that important to know which speaker you prefer. It matters if what you are listening to, is satisfying your tympanics. Experience in this area is a major plus, since a long resume of listening experiences helps you know where you want to go and when you're there. I don't have to listen to one darn thing to know that I'm where I want to be. For now that is. And we all know how long that can be....Haven't had this much fun with a rig since my Magnaplanar Tympanic 1D days back in the late '70s.
in Canada,we have one dealer in the east,that's it.said it before and will repeat,we just don't have the shops.by all indication,from what i have read,i think the Zu's will work.it works out to 11k total,if not the real deal i will,must likely not--sent them back to Zu.i love used buying but in this case these never come up,or not all that frequently.can't wait,need speakers now!!must buy,must try!!if anyone in stereo land wants to sell me their used Def's please call.any bets i buy new??
Here's an idea, Db-99's come up used once in awhile, as Tvad pointed out. Buy a used pair, then order an audition pair of Definition's from Zu, so you would have them both in your home at the same time, with plenty of time to audition both and decide which you like better with your system, and in your room. You would have no additional cash outlay since you would only pay for the Db-99's up front. If you like the Db-99's better, simply send the Zu Definition's back, if you like the Zu Definition's better, you have a couple of months to sell the Db-99's before paying for the Zu's. If history is any indication, the Db-99's should not take long to sell at a fair price.
i thought you had to pay for the Zu's up front.i never asked them,i just took for granted you paid up front?? my plan is the same as you just laid out,except for the 99 part.
You do have to pay for the Zu's up front but you can use a credit card to delay payment a while.
As you noticed, there are NEVER any Zu Definitions for sale used. This means two things to you. First, they should be a very quick resale and second, they should fetch a very high percentage of new price when sold used.
I also want to note that they are not resold or returned because they are so good. The Db-99 is frequently resold according to the above poster and there may be a similar conclusion drawn from that fact.