cables recommendation

Hi guys,
I intend to run 2 sets of cable from my audio research vt100 mk2 to my vr4jr speakers, I already have a pair of analysis plus oval 8 for the bass unit. as for the mid/hi unit I still searching for a transparency, forward and open-up sounding cables.
can you guys provide me some recommendations, my budget range from $800 - $1,000.
thank you.
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The analysis plus oval 8 biwire sounds too warmth and too thick over my system. I have tested with audionote silver spa cables, single run with data link and jumpers. mid & hi really opens up but the bass is loose and lack of controls. I will source for another pair of tight sounding cables to run the bass.(Biwiring 2 runs of cable from amplifier to vr4jr speakers)

anyone of you here can recommend another set of cheap and good cables to match my audionote spa, how do you think of Paul speltz anticables?
Alpha Goertz veracity MI2 a wonderful cable, cheap, and offers enough for most systems.
I have tested with many brands of cables on double run biwiring to vr4jr and finally settle down with the brands mentioned below;

Mid hi unit - 1 pair of paul speltz speaker cable.
Bass unit - 1 pair of Argento copper reference speaker cable.

sound - good tonal balance, smear free mid hi frequency, deep and articulate detail bass.

presentation - papable midrange, wide and deep 3 dimensional soundstage.

Note: this is carefully matched with a 100 watt tube power amplifier. its not lean or overly warmed from top to bottom, very neutral overall balanced.

I have no ideal how the 2 cable sounds with a solid state amplifier.

other cables used for matching: tested date 8th - 14th may

analysis plus oval 8
acoustic zen satori
audionote spa
transparent super
audience au24
cardas reference
nbs mini serpent
kimble 4/8tc

Right now I advertised all these cable on sale. its not they are bad,is an issue involved in matching with 2 types of different cable.