Bozak B-410's....simply awesome

I drove for hrs from south GA to St Pete and picked up a pair of Bozak B-410's GC.

3 of us loaded the bronco, only me to unload them.

I must say that I am extremely impressed by them. These are later models with ceramic magnets and the extension on both extremes of the freq spectrum is phenomenal.

They dont throw a rock solid coherent image like my Tannoys, but speaker placement hasnt been experimented with room is 20 by 20 ft, which could be a "tad" small for them.
yeah,,,as I type this I am eyeing a smaller pair to get thru ebay...shipping from CA will hurt though.
Lolo writes:
Frankly , if you don't have or have never heard the CG, then you will never understand the true goal of high end audio.
I just deplore statements like that.

Well, I managed to rearrange my living room and thus sit much further back..sounds better to me now, but still a narrow sweetspot, but overall a bit more coherent.