Have thiel 3.6's. Will mcintosh ma6600 work?

My Thiels sit in high ceiling open room. But have not been connected up and played for at least 8 years. Partially due to waiting to get enough cash together to do them justice. Recently considered that the mcintosh integrated mc6700 amp might work. The integration, I think would be an upgrade of my preamp adcom GFP 565? The Amps are 200wpc, so concerned that the wattage won't give me the detail and sound I have waited all these years to hear. Will these macs disappoint the requirements of this needy speaker?
^That's really disappointing to hear. Thiel's once legendary customer service seems to have faded away with the previous/original owners. Things are really changing at Thiel, and it seems as though it's for the worse.
Check e-bay, from time to time there will be part out sales of various Thiels. Another option is to contact Miller Sound in Philadelphia. I just had a friend have a Thiel CS 2 driver rebuilt by Bill LeGall there, and he was very satisfied with everything.
Thank you for the tip! I'll be contacting him soon enough. I have seen a couple of possibilities on EBay but the sellers weren't, IMHO, too trustworthy. I sent one seller a photo of my Thiel midranges to confirm that his were in fact original and he could not or would not offer an answer as to why the stickers on his did not have Thiel printed on them. Caveat emptor! Thanks again.
Hey Thiel CS3.5 owners - Thiel WILL repair them for $300 apiece plus shipping, etc. I guess their move made them slow in replying. For me that's good news because I feel the speakers are worth the investment I've already made.
^Good to know! But, $300 each is a bit steep.
Though it wasn't advertised policy, if the repairs weren't due to abuse, IME Thiel used to do repairs gratis, and only charged a house discounted shipping cost one(!) way, even for items that were past the generous 10 year warranty.
Man, I really miss Jim, Shari, Gary and the rest of the gang!
"06-21-14: Unsound
The Mac's with their autoformers won't double down into the 3.6's rather challenging load. Not what I would recommend."

I thought that was the whole point of using autoformers. The amp sees a consistent load.