Acoustic Zen Adagio, How Good Are They?

Just read the glowing review in TAS. Has enyone heard these and if so is all the positive press justified?
Response34, i am using a caps modded Almarro 318B to drive the Adagios. :) No problem with the bass unless if it goes pretty loud then you'll hear soft clipping!
Response34, i am using a caps modded Almarro 318B to drive the Adagios. :) No problem with the bass unless if it goes pretty loud then you'll hear soft clipping!
Response34, i am using a caps modded Almarro 318B to drive the Adagios. :) No problem with the bass unless if it goes pretty loud then you'll hear soft clipping!
Hello 2100. I have used various lower power tube amps with teh Adagio speakers and like ant similar combination, start to see some compression if trying to push too hard.

The Adagio's are a very good load for tube amps and this is why many people are finding lower power units are working so well for them.

Most of my listening with these speakers right now is with 60 watt P-P 6C33 amps. There are 4 amplifiers used most to audition these speakers for customers, all four are tube. Power ratings are 17 watts EL84, 60 watt KT88, 60 watt 6C33 and 100 watt KT88. All provide a unique presentation but all are also very enjoyable.

Hi 2100.

Got my modified Almarro 318Bn. Burning both units in now ( The amp and the Adagio.)

Im particularly taken back by the bass this combination provides. It goes fantastically low but is at the same time taut. The ribbon tweeters are something else as well, detailed and airy.

But what really impresses me the most is the ability for the Almarro and Adagio to tackle almost all types of music. I've tried chamber music to large scale orchestra ( Mahler anyone ? ), Hiphop to Electronica ( Think cut chemist / Public enemy / Fourtet ), and some indie and death metal ( Belle & Sebastian, Weezer and some Converge ). Jazz is to DIE for imo. I spinned some Coltrane and Hartman just yesterday ( vinyl! )and Hartman's voice was palpable and so lush. Coltrane's sax just made me want to melt, that rich baritone and tonality of it

However, i do find that the music DOES compress alittle during very loud or intricate passages ( depends on the volume tho. ), but not in an entirely noticable way. I think it clips rather gracefully.

Ultimately, im very very statisfied with the pairing and i couldnt ask for more. S.E.T midrange and intimacy coupled with deep, ballsy S.S type bass and the ability to play almost all types of music..( well unless 16hz organ tones are your kinda thing...) Im a happy camper!