Small speakers for retail store

Looking for recommendations for small speakers that can be wall/ceiling/shelf mounted or placed inconspicuously for use in a retail store or coffee shop (think "Starbucks" or about the size of a large living room) for background music (but still looking for as good quality as can be had for the budget, something non-fatiguing to play all day).

Budget in the $300-500 range, recommendations for used ok but would like some options for new as well.

My apologies in advance for what may look like a thread hijack attempt, but that's not my intention.

I have a stalker who sends me threatening e-mails when he decides that I'm being too commercial. He has e-mailed me three times about my postings in this thread, and he threatened to e-mail others here to try to discredit me. His moniker is Stanhifi, and his e-mail address is I apologize if he tries to drag you or anyone else into his dispute with me. And as I've done before, I challenge Stan to make his case against me in public instead of stalking me and others on Audiogon.

You can check the Audiogon posting rules and do a search of my posts and draw your own conclusions about me if you want. And I invite anyone who objects to my posts (including this one) to make it known in public and/or e-mail Audiogon and make your case. I've tried to be helpful more often than purely commercial, but yes I do have a commercial interest in audio.

Unless Audiogon tells me not to, or unless the members here object, I will publicly identify Stanhifi as my stalker in any thread that he sends me threatening e-mails about, as one of his threats is to contact others in the thread. I have repeatedly asked him to stop stalking me and stop e-mailing me.

I do not know if Stanhifi makes good on his threats to e-mail Audiogon members and badmouth me. But if he does I would appreciate people letting me know.

And now back to our regularly scheduled programming...


A.D.S. (Analog Digital Systems) has been filling this application for decades with their die-cast mini-monitors.
Original models were the L200 and L300, followed by the current all-weather L210 and L310, respectively.

Web site:
dude go for a big openbaffle design with a little fr125s fullrange driver from css in the middle (roughly). a moth cicada driver would do superbly as well for low volumes if you are using a low power amp. use the surrrounding area as a sign for your prices and items. this way the speaker is out of the way. get the speaker a meter away from the back wall. do it. thank me later.