Does Verity Parsifals mate well with solid?

Hi everyone, Im considering a pair of Verity Parsifals floorstandings from the used market. But after some research have found most of the setups are with tubes. Currenntly Im using Lexicon's MC8B, LX7 amp and Denon 5910 all with JPS cabling. My room is used equally as theater as for music.
Since I wont be able to test in my place, Im worried these speakers are not a good match for solids, please any info on this subject will be greatly appreciated.
I own the verity fidelio and have used them with both krell and jrdg ss amps to excellent effect.
I have a dear friend who is probably going to replace his Kharma 1.0's with a pair of Parsifal Ovations.He has a fairly small room,and is "slowly" realizing that the Kharmas are not a good match for that acoustic space.Especially since he listens close up,and there is a very forward sound(not bad though)to the Kharmas.I assume that since there is no type of damping material,on the front of the Kharmas,there IS on the front of the Verity(surrounding the drivers),that he will get a more laid back,and natural "STAGE" presentation,in the smaller room.Let alone the fact that the Veritys are superb.
Also,he has a Rowland 8t solid state amp.This IS a superb product,and actually has wonderful timbres and control.It is quite powerful,at 250 wpc.He did not consider the amp "matching factor" when he bought the Kharmas,and I hope it mates well with the Verity Ovations.It should.

I have mentioned the Magico Mini to him,as a very good match,for amp and room,but his mind is made up regarding the Verity design.

Any thoughts?
First great choice in speakers, I own a pair of the Parsifal Encores and they are truly a great speaker. I am using all Joule Electra components (JE Heaven’s Gate Monos 70 WPC SET, LA 100 MkIII pre, OPS1 phono, Audiomeca Mephisto II.X CD). Tubes do match very well with the Verity’s and this combo is a perfect match. During the summer months I switch to a BAT 5i and VK200 solid state amp due to the heat issue. I prefer tubes but you still get very good results with quality solid state amp.
Sirspeedy: Nearfield listening in a small space, how about the Ultimate Monitors by Audio Machina? Sealed box design should also present less room problems. Also he should consider the Acapella Fidelio II's.
The only time I heard the Parsifals was on Krell SS amp and it didn't stop me from falling in love with their sound. The price did, well actually not the price as much as my budget.