Low level listening

I enjoy listening to music at lower levels. Is buying a speaker with a low sensitivity rating the answer? Or is that the most economic answer? In short what I am asking is.....Can a speaker with a low sensitvity rating with more power actually be better for low level listening (although maybe not the most economic choice). What is the best setup for this?
I agree with what Duke said. I still say that speakers that have light diaphragms and powerful motors will provide the most detail and will perform better at low levels. Although some electrostatic speakers do not have high efficiency they do have a very light diaphragms and proportionately powerful electro-magnetic force to control the diaphragm.

Then on the other hand, in the area of psychoacoustics, systems that are compressed in their dynamic range would also tend to sound good at low listening levels because the intensity of the loudest sounds is closer to the intensity of the lower level sounds.

I remember that years ago I used to use a dbx compresser/expander to compress my system's dynamic range for lower-level listening. Come to think of it I do that now in my Home Theater system. It is so dynamic that if you leave it at a decent level for dialogue the loud passages will blow you off the sofa. So I normally use moderate compression on my HT receiver, which tames the power peaks a bit and also boosts the low-level sounds so that they are more intelligible. And my family appreciates it too. :)
Duke makes an excellent point that all of us should pay attention to:
Personally I place a high priority on low-level articulation even if the speaker is going to be played at high volume levels, because there will still be lots of low-level detail going on. And in my experience a speaker that still sounds good at very low volume levels is less likely to become fatiguing over a long listening session, so I encourage listening at very low volume levels as part of a thorough audition when you're speaker shopping.
...moreover there is the perception of loudness. The more your sysytem distorts the more loud it appears to be playing. Noise is louder than music.Hence high resolution systems appear to be playing much softer than the they really are.
i agree with Duke and others that low level dynamics and articulation is very important. i'm not one that knows the science part too well but i have come to appreciate this issue.

currently i don't have any limitations as to noise level since my room/system is in a separate building from my home. OTOH i have come to realize how important having your system be able to dynamically energize the room at reasonable SPL's is.

my previous room was 12' x 18' x 10' and my previous system was easily able to energize it at very reasonable SPL's. even though my speakers at that time (Kharma Exquisite's) generally needed some SPL's to 'get going' they were 'lively' in that room. i then moved that same system into my new acoustically designed (21' x 29' x 11') room and the system could not be dynamically engaging at lower SPL's. forgetting about the fact that it could not do low bass; the system could not get me 'involved' without really pushing it.

i did switch to the Von Schweikert VR9's and this speaker was much more dynamically alive at lower SPL's. further, it energized the room without a feeling of strain. the volume can be low enough for me to talk on the phone and yet can be so engaging to be a real distraction. there is never any feeling of strain or compression. it helps to have (2) 1000 watt integral subs, 4 channels of darTZeel amplification and 96db of speaker efficiency.

my conclusion is that a speaker needs to be properly scaled to a room dynamically for that low level information to be rendered with ease and naturalness. if a system does not engage at low levels it likely will not work well at high levels either.
Rushton "consistentcy of tonal balance across the fq range". "Tube electronics achieves excellent resolution in low level listening". 2 excellent poiints.
As I listen to Elvis Costello/Burt Bacharach's Painted From Memory at 1/4 vol, I hear only the EXACT playback medium, IOW the weakness'/strengths of that recording co,me thorugh, with almost zero coloration/distortion from the Jadis, though its said the Jadis has a "house sound", and is true. The Thos's as well have their slight coloration and in fact every/all components have their trademark color. What we look for is the components with the least distortion, one that is most pleasing to our ears.
My ststem picks up the poor quality of the Costello recording at low volume, now at 50% vol, then the Jadis begins to show stress.

I also played a few minutes of a New Orleans folk cd, Kermit Ruffins Drop Me Off In New Orleans. Here is a much better quality, and its as clpose to live as you are going to get, at 1/4 vol. The Jadis/Thor only project the exact playback.
This is why Rushton says that tubes at low volume can bring forth the finest in resolutions.
Greg also has a good point, "Noise is louder than music...Hense high resolution systems appear to be playing at lower volumes than they really are"
IOW with high resolution/superior fidelity systems (amp/speakers/cdp) at low/mid volume, one only hears the EXACT playback, as close as it gets.
My listening room here in Baton Rouge is 30X35 with a church style V cathedral ceiling, and at 1/4 vol, its plenty for the ear.
Yet the bigger Cayin is calling me, and I must answer.