The End Of Big Iron?

Once upon a time you could buy a 1,000 wpc, a 900 wpc and a 750 wpc monoblock from Krell. You could buy a 1,000 wpc monoblock from Pass Labs. Now, 575 wpc is the biggest you can get from Krell and 600 wpc is the biggest you can get from Pass Labs. The muscle of flagship amps in those mfgs has been virtually halved. I mean, was 1,000 wpc, 900 wpc, or a 750 wpc amplifier ever necessary? If they were, why are they no longer necessary? What has changed in audio or speaker technology to cause the dwindling of 'muscle' amps?
Basically, I have high efficiency speakers, so Class A should be no problem.

Dave, those speakers are also an easy load for tube amps, which work quite well on them- several of our customers use similar JBLs (the export version).
Seems as though big power offerings are having something of a resurgence of late.
Jeff Rowland's new Daemon integrated provides 1500 watts per channel. Big enough?
I imagine Unsound is referring to the prodigious output of many new class D designs. While they certainly deliver the juice, they are not the massive, back breaking monster blobs of metal that I took as the object of the thread title.
OTOH, the above mentioned Daemon does weigh 99 lbs.