The high-end is a small community. There are many good, even great speaker designs out there at all manner of price points and for all tastes. We should celebrate that we have so many choices rather than attack lines we know little to nothing about. Hearing a speaker in a showroom or at an industry show doesn't count. Reading an ad we don't like and defining a company because of it is equally short sighted.
There is no best, better for less, or for the price, or "mine's bigger than yours". The choice of a speaker, factoring room, electronics and budget is _way_ too personal and subjective for anyone to make categorical statements of value on what's best, or what sucks. The premise itself is ridiculous if you factor in all the intangibles.
In high end nowadays? Quality, value and established reputation rules. Gone are the days of over-priced, under performing products that do well and subsist on the open market--they're gone. If you make and market crap, you _will_ fail.
IMO, Wilson does not fall into the latter category, and every single market arbiter supports that assertion.
best for everyone? Noooooo.
Excellent designs, great sonics when set up well, great value based on any market, design or construction arbiter you care to review? Yes.
Simple as that, though these net forums were made for people that like to thow clandestine stones, so have at it.